A Brutally Honest Review of KashZPresso

There is a lot of talk about viral marketing in recent years. No, we are not talking about anything that has to do with the pandemic or other epidemics before it, but a marketing tactic that maximizes social media engagement to get one’s content spread like wildfire across the social network, and thus drive traffic to your landing pages. Now Mosh Bari has a new product that takes advantage of viral marketing tactics and a particular untapped niche to drive traffic to your business. This offer is a traffic generation software called KashZPresso, and it will launch tomorrow, June 17, 2020.

This $19 software practically lets you tap into the PDF niche dominated by the likes of Isuu, Scribd, and Slideshare, and puts control of your PDF-based content marketing campaign in your own hands. It lets you upload any PDF into the software, which will then add an opt-in form in the PDF itself. The form engages the reader into referring more people to see your PDF, rewarding them with something in exchange. To maximize the results, the software also includes an easy sharing feature.

Mosh is launching KashZPresso on Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time. Shortly after the launch has kicked off, we will add our complete review and assessment of this product to this post. If you need to learn more about this upcoming offer, be sure to stick around for the next few hours, or you can also bookmark this page and come back for our review after the launch has gone live.

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