InstaBio Reloaded Review: A Good Deal or Just Another Sham?

We all know just how valuable Instagram is when it comes to social media marketing. Its basic features practically let you reach a laser-targeted audience without spending a dime, and its advertisement platform offers so much more. Now one gripe that many marketers have with Instagram is the fact that it has so many limitations especially when it comes to links. So far, Instagram only allows only one link in user bios, and if you are the type who churns out multiple pieces of content daily, this is going to make for a very tough decision-making process. InstaBio Reloaded, a new product from Able Chika, aims to help you work your way through this problem.

Able’s latest product is an app that lets you link your bio page to any social profile, and this practically optimizes the platform’s infamous one link limit. It has a link shortening feature and adds a retargeting pixel to your links. Furthermore, it features built-in tracking and a custom domain for your Instagram bio — something none of its competitors offer at this point. This product will be available soon and it will launch with a $27 price tag.

InstaBio Reloaded is set to be launched on Wednesday, June 17, 2020. We are going to see this product go live on that date at 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time. If you need to learn more about this brand new product, we highly encourage you to add this post to your bookmarks, check this post out often for updates, and then return after the launch is up. Right after the launch has started, we are going to update this post with a comprehensive review of the product on top of all the latest information on this launch.

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