Instant WP Security: A Review
A product from Internet entrepreneur Alex Schneider will be out within a few hours from now, January 21, 2015, at 10:00 AM EST to be exact. This product is called Instant WP Security. It will be made available for $4 to $10.
If you have been using WordPress, you know that it is the #1 platform for businesses and also a #1 target of hackers. Sometimes we tend to be too overwhelmed with the plugins and free themes that can actually put your website at risk. With Instant WP Security, your problem with security is solved. This product will help you secure your website by showing you the steps. Learn how to detect security holes, know what hosting company you must stay away from, and plugins that even newbies can set and forget.
Is it easy to understand this eBook even if you are a newbie? We will know once we review it. The wait won’t be long, and we will get ourselves a copy of the product so we can carefully evaluate it before we give our opinion. We invite you to bookmark this post and just check on it later on.
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