Product Review: Automated Split Testing Formula
Marketers who ply their trade in the Internet do love their lists, and why would they not? Email lists are practically what drives most online marketers’ money making machine. You see, the persons behind every single address in that mailing list is basically what amounts to the marketer’s very own private audience. They are guaranteed to be aware of whatever the online salesman is promoting, and are likely to end up as highly profitable clients, but we’ll end this nerd talk here before you’re bored.
Speaking of lists, David Deaton will be launching on July 9, 2015, at 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, his supposedly revolutionary list building product called the Automated Split Testing Formula. This product is promised to reveal just how to build massive lists and make money from Bing ads while it’s still profitable. It will be available for the modest price tag of $7 upon launch. Judging by the name, it is very likely to be a training course.
The Automated Split Testing Formula was supposedly created for struggling list builders. It is intended for online marketers who have been frustrated with repeatedly failed investments on paid advertising, taking a long while to break even, tired of solo ads, stressed out, and are simply tired of wasting time, money, and effort on fruitless campaigns.
This is all we know about this product so far. We will, however, review it for your benefit as soon as it is launched. You will find our review on this post, so if you want to come back for it in the near future, go ahead and bookmark this page.
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