A Review of WPGeoShutDown: Does It Work?
WordPress is a great place to build your site on. It also helps that there are so many cheap web hosts that support WordPress, and WordPress is abundant in tools like plugins and themes that can help you build any site you wish to create. However, we sometimes get a little too happy customizing our WordPress sites that we do not realize that it’s already hogging a lot of your host and computer’s memory, and this often don’t end well with offending sites. Such sites often end up terminated if the issue remains unresolved. Of course, there are various plugins online that can help with this. The newest one to arrive in the virtual shelves of the Internet is the WPGeoShutDown, the latest product of veteran software developer Daniel Duarte.
The solution to WordPress’ memory-hogging presented by this new software is to shut your website down for visitors who have no way to purchase your product, like visitors from countries where PayPal is not supported. This, in effect, minimizes the resources your site takes up from your web hosting provider. Now that’s what you are getting for $14.
We are yet to check out the WPGeoShutDown to see just how well it works, however. That will be soon after the product’s launch, which will be on November 26, 2015, at 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. We will be updating this post with a review of the software by then, so if you are interested, be sure to bookmark this page and come back on launch date.
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