Reviewed: Social Traffic Ranker by Andy Black and Simon Warner

Keyword Digger Pro’s Andy Black teams up with Simon Warner to release their product Social Traffic Ranker, launching nearly one and a half months from the time of this writing. Not much is known about this product at the moment, at least not until it is finally launched on the 7th of July 2013.

No info about this product has been released so far except for its price which starts at $17 and that it is a product obviously meant for Internet marketers specializing in SEO and traffic generation. We expect, however, that Black and Warner will be releasing some information as we approach the launch date. We will update this post in the soonest time possible once new info comes up, so if you want to keep track of this product, just bookmark this site and come back often for the updates.

We will make certain that we can try the Social Traffic Ranker out upon its launch date, or prior to that day if possible, so we can deliver a comprehensive review that should guide prospecting buyers on choosing between buying or ignoring this product shortly after the launch. Look forward to it and come back on or after the 7th of July before you decide to make a purchase.


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