Complete Review of Lifetime.Hosting
One of the many things you have to take care of when you have your very own website is your website hosting. You either pay it monthly or yearly. For some people, this can be a problem as they can sometimes get busy and forget to renew their hosting. There is now a solution to this problem. Richard Madison will launch Lifetime.Hosting on August 15, 2016. It goes live at 10:00 Eastern Daylight Time and the front end product will cost $15.
Lifetime.Hosting is exactly what the name of the product suggests. Never renew your hosting again and never pay for it ever again. The hosting includes cPanel access, unlimited email accounts, free website builder, one click WordPress installer, guaranteed fast loading website and 24/7 tech support. During the launch, we heard that you will also be getting a lifetime domain for free. Definitely what every website owner would wish for.
Indeed this is a very interesting product that we believe will capture the attention of many product buyers. Nevertheless, we will also do our share to make sure that interested buyers of the product will know what to expect from it. If you are one of them, kindly click that bookmark button on your browser. Also, we encourage you to mark your calendar for the date of the launch and make sure you check back on this post to read our detailed review.
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