Website flipping is one of the most profitable ways to earn money online, but many would rather think that this is something that belongs in the domain of web developers. That should not be the case these days, though, especially when there are tools that can help you create a complete website in a jiffy, […]
If you are looking to launch a product, you might want to have your own website to invite joint venturers or JVs to help you promote your upcoming offer. JV pages, as they are known, however can be a little of a hassle to create. This is especially quite an obstacle for new marketers who […]
Ask around about what sort of thing can you do to make money online and you will get affiliate or CPA marketing as a very common answer, on top of the obvious e-commerce. Now what makes the first two popular is the fact that they can be set up as a passive source of income. […]
We can’t say search engine optimization or SEO these days without even thinking about content. Indeed, ever since Google’s animals came to change the SEO game, site optimization and content have become two nearly inseparable entities. However, content is not something that you can just come up with in a whim. Creating one will need […]
How to get online leads effectively is an ancient question that dates to the time Internet marketing began. Many strategies have been developed for this matter, and these have been changing along with the constantly evolving Internet marketing environment. Over time, there are tools developed to implement these lead generation strategies. Tom Murray and the […]
Email marketing is perhaps one of the best ways to promote a product or a service directly to those who potentially need it. An online equivalent of cold calls, it is also something that we can say is its more tame and far more welcome version. However, it takes strategy to woo your target audience […]
Fiverr is one of the most popular sites where people get to make money on the Internet. It is a services marketplace, meaning that you can hire the services of other people, or offer your own and earn $5 per job, or “gig” as it is called in the site. Now we all know that […]
Plugins and themes easily complete any site, saving a web developer a lot of time building a custom website for whatever purpose. If there’s a certain that you find difficult to hard code, there certainly is a plugin that will make your life easier, or if you want to do it quick, you can get […]
If you are looking to improve your website’s ranking, you will need to turn to social media and leverage its power. These days, it’s no longer just about content and backlinks; you will also need attention from real people if you are looking to succeed online. Viral content really helps in this regard, but it’s […]
Marketing can be done through any and all mediums of communication, but video is the one that takes the cake in this regard. It is perhaps the best medium to get your message to your audience; pretty visuals can easily get your viewers’ attention and you can work on your presentation to engage and keep […]