Starting a business is perhaps the best, although a quite risky, way to make money just about everywhere. This is especially true online, as profits from e-commerce contrast greatly from those one can earn from jobs like marketing and virtual assistance. While it can be easy to come up with a good idea for an […]
The answer to the question regarding the best way to market anything online is a no-brainer for many seasoned marketers. They’d tell you it’s video, and you better believe that. Video is perhaps the best medium to convert your leads, and it’s definitely a lot better than a boring wall of text and pictures. Now […]
Internet marketing is not just about convincing words such that you talk somebody into buying your product. Pictures that present your product to your prospects also work wonders in this regard. In the case of information products like e-books and videos, many marketers use 3D e-covers that imitate the look of physical products. There are […]
When people talk about e-commerce, most will assume that this online business venture requires one to have their own product. This should not always be the case. There is an alternative in the form of drop shipping, where you essentially take orders and request the ordered product from your distributor, who will take care of […]
Blab is the newest video chat app to grace the World Wide Web. It is basically something like Periscope, but with a group like Google’s Hangouts. Arguably, this new app offers a lot of marketing potential, but as it is still pretty much fresh out of the mobile app oven, there are still a lot […]
A book that looks pretty on display usually sells; people just tend to judge actual books by their covers. This is especially true for software and e-books on the Internet. For many online publishers, however, creating e-covers that will serve as the face of their products can take a lot of time. If they do […]
The widespread use of social media these days has prompted online marketing to evolve and make use of features that make information spread quickly in social networking sites. The sharing feature of most social networking sites was adapted into marketing strategies, giving rise to what we now call viral marketing. Now viral marketing is definitely […]
CPA is the buzzword in the online marketing world for quite a long time now. This marketing strategy is how many marketers make money online even without a product of their own. In other news, it is very possible to earn money through this marketing strategy in the growing social networking site Instagram. Interested? If […]
Most products online, though arguably often very useful, can come off a bit overpriced. This is the reason why we are always looking forward to fire sales. Those deals come once in a while, and often, they offer great value for your money. If you are like us in this regard, well be glad as […]
E-books made reading a lot more convenient for mobile users, but often, folks can’t find the time to sit down and spend an hour or two reading one. This is why audio books are such a hit to the busier and more active portion of the mobile user population, as it allows them to digest […]