A really, really old adage tells us not to judge a book by its cover. While most of us heed this sagely advise when it comes to dealing with people, this is not always the case when it comes with actual books. A good-looking cover can influence the buyer into purchasing the book, which is […]
Fiverr is the go-to place of people who are looking to earn a little extra online. Well, anybody can certainly use a few four or five dollar payouts from a few gigs. Not many, however, thought about making Fiverr their primary source of income; the pay per gig is just a lot lower than what […]
Creating any video project naturally takes a lot of time. For one, you will need to create the assets that you need to put together to produce the final product, and that will often require a good camera, a decent software, or both. This is not always an easy task, and often, you end up […]
Whiteboard videos are fun and engaging, giving the audience the feel of being in a conference room listening to a lecture or sales pitch rather than staring at their computer screen. Given its highly engaging nature, whiteboard videos are often employed by marketers to pitch their products to interested parties. If you happen to want […]
A landing page, in the simplest sense, is the webpage where a website’s visitor can arrive at. Marketers utilize this page to convert leads that they have managed to direct to that page into optins or clients, the end game being sales generation. Most landing pages used for promotions are no more than glorified text […]
Novels in any form make for great reads. At the very least, they can grant mild entertainment; at best, they can leave a good impression and make you a fan of the story and characters. Of the many book genres a novel can fit into, mystery probably is one of the most popular ones. If […]
Stock media is extremely useful to anyone working on something that has to do with graphics or videos. Among its benefits is the fact that it saves one a lot of time in the media creation process, and that it negates the need to outsource graphics or video work, thereby saving one money as well. […]
If you have a decent Internet connection at home, you can practically earn money without ever going outside to work a nine-to-ten job. One of the most popular methods to earn an online income is to be an affiliate marketer in e-commerce sites like Amazon and eBay. This is particularly attractive thanks to the passive […]
While not exactly a high-paying online job, being an affiliate marketer is still a popular option for folks who are looking to earn money on the Internet. Besides the promise of passive income, setting up affiliate websites often do not take much skill, and the trade can be easily learned through various online resources. If […]
Presentations are boring if they’re nothing more than slide after slide after slide of text. As such, we tend to embellish our presentations with cool graphics, often stuff that will keep your viewers affixed to your slideshow without necessarily distracting them from the content. A great way to spice up presentation is to add a […]