Software Review: Auto FaceBook Seeding Software 4.5
Facebook is perhaps the biggest social media platform in existence. What Facebook is best at is to attract followers that you can engage and convert into followers or even paying customers. This lead generation method can be achieved by Facebook seeding, or linking content from your site to Facebook. This, however, can be tedious if you are into SEO. For that matter, Thomas Lee has a product that aims to offer a solution and more. It’s called the Auto FaceBook Seeding Software 4.5 and we will see it go live soon.
As you can tell, this is the latest iteration of Thomas’ product called Auto FaceBook Seeding. What this software does is that it seeds your site’s content to all your fan pages and groups. It then automatically generates fake likes, comments, and shares with dummy Facebook accounts. While this is a pretty shady tactic, it actually does work to generate actual engagement with your leads. With what seemingly are so many people talking about your content, actual Facebook users who may be interested with what you offer will also join in, trusting that you offer something that will be of value to them thanks to the ensuing crowd effect, therefore opening up an opportunity for you to engage and convert them.
Auto FaceBook Seeding Software 4.5 will launch on May 25, 2016, at 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, for $127. We are yet to know whether or not this is any better than its previous versions, and we will let you know as soon as the product launches. We will add our review to this post by then, so if you are interested, just bookmark this page and come back for our review.
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