Matthew Schmitt’s Pi Scaled– A Review

Pi Scaled is a product that will be released by Internet entrepreneur Matthew Schmitt. We are going to see the launch at 11:00 AM EDT today, May 18, 2015. The price of the product during the launch is quite hefty at $67.

Pi Scaled is a course that is focused on the core aspects of creating one of the biggest Teespring campaigns to date, which is called the Pi Shirt. This shirt has sold more than 20,000 pcs already and you will be taught how it was done. The course will also cover how the seller always hits the 5 figure mark monthly with only him and his designer doing all the work. The course covers 5 sections with each section discussing important factors you need to mimic their success.

Do we consider this as a good product? We cannot really give our conclusion at the moment. We do not want to give a false judgement on a product that we have not really gotten our hands on. As we see this product launch today, our very first goal is to get our own copy of the product. We will use it to evaluate the product and come up with our personal feedback on the course. The best thing you can do for now is bookmark this page. This will make it easier for you to check on this post for the availability of our review.

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