Tube Traffic Scraper: An Unbiased Software Review
Yet another traffic generating product will be added to our queue of items to review. This one will be the Tube Traffic Scraper or TTS if you prefer, and it will be launched by Internet marketer Warrior Faraaz on the 30th of May, 2015, at 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time. As its name suggests, it has everything to do with the Google-owned popular video sharing website YouTube, and how you can get the most traffic out of it.
Unlike many traffic generating products that we’ve reviewed so far, the Tube Traffic Scraper is a software and not a system or training course. Now what the TTS does is to help rank your videos for related keywords within YouTube, particularly for profitable short tail keywords. It will generate traffic to your own videos by legally diverting some traffic from top videos in your niche, many of which practically get thousands of views in a daily basis.
The single PC license of this software will be available for $47. There will also be a Pro version which offers multiple PC license, but no word regarding its price is out yet.
Our review of the TTS will be added to this post shortly after the product is launched. Now if this software interests you, think no further and bookmark this page and come back in the future for our review that should help you make an informed decision on whether or not you should buy this new product.
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