A Review of Vintage Photo Collection 2.0
Stock photos are the go-to of every graphic designer who is looking to incorporate photographs or photographic elements into the design that they are working on. Stock photos are not that hard to find, but the downside to this is not all of the good ones come free. This is often the case for professional, high quality pictures, and you will need to pay for individual images. As this can get expensive in the long run, Ciprian Macovei and Ionut Macovei have an offer that you might be interested in. It’s an entire package of stock photos called the Vintage Photo Collection 2.0.
As the name suggests, this is the second iteration of the Vintage Photo Collection, and for those of us who have missed the first run, it is a collection of vintage stock photos. This new version will have over 600 vintage pictures in store for us, all for the price of $17. This, we can tell you, is an extremely cheap price for such a huge collection, especially when you consider the fact that the same number of individual stock photos in sites like 123RF, iStockPhotos, and ShutterStock can cost many times more.
So when are we going to see the Vintage Photo Collection 2.0 go live? Well, the Macoveis are going to launch this product on June 17, 2016, at 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time. You will read of our final verdict on this product in our review that we will add to this post come the launch date, so if you are interested, don’t hesitate to bookmark this page for easier access and come back for our review.
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